Sunday, October 20, 2013

80 Kind Acts in 1 Month, Fact or Myth?

It has been almost a month since P.A.R.K started on 22 September 2013. I have recorded down my kind acts, not to boast how kind I am, but to share and encourage others to do likewise. It is not difficult to engage in acts of kindness when we set our heart to do it. Otherwise, I would not be able to complete 80 acts of kindness in less than a month. I would encourage everyone to share your acts of kindness because there is nothing ashamed about telling others the good you have done. If one can share photos of their luxury car, expensive holidays or high priced property, why can't one share acts of kindness, which is priceless?

Also, I would encourage everyone to record down their P.A.R.K moments (acts of kindness) because you should be proud of yourself for being kind. It takes a big heart to give kindness so you deserve some credit for doing a kind deed. When you reflect on life someday and ask yourself what you have achieved in this life, this record will be your biggest supporting proof that you have lived a meaningful and purposeful life.

Here's sharing with some acts of kindness (some are repeated) that I have done for the past month, hopefully you can be inspired to do one or two in the coming weeks:

PARK Moments on Public Transport
Giving up my seat in public transport to someone more needy
Letting someone more needy to an available empty seat in the MRT
Pressing the lift open button for other passengers to exit the lift first in the MRT station

PARK Moments for Friends
Gave my friends a treat
Preparing a birthday gift for a friend
Showed concerns for a friend and gave him advice on the issues he faced
Cleaned dirty chairs in a hawker center so that my friends won't sit on them later

PARK Moments for Charity
Bought tissues from a frail old auntie
Made a donation to charity (Flag Day)
Made a donation to a non-profit organization (Wikipedia)
Supported the bread donation drive organized by Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) & Gardenia
Promoted the bread donation drive to encourage more friends to do their part for charity and embrace kindness in their lives.

PARK Moments for Colleagues
Sharing useful knowledge with fellow colleagues
Refill the blank paper supply for my company's printer
Flushing the toilet in office for someone who forgot to flush before me

PARK Moments for Family
Bought something for my family members
Prepared a nice meal for my family members
Bought a small gift to cheer up a family member
Gave advice to a family member on career switch
Gave praise to a family member for spreading kindness
Encouraged my family members to do their part for charity

PARK Moments for PARK
Pass compliments to PARK Star Award Winners
Sharing quotes of kindness on PARK Facebook page
Blogging for P.A.R.K. to share my thoughts and experience on giving kindness, to encourage more people to embrace kindness for life

PARK Moments for the Online Community
Helping to answer questions on Yahoo Answers and received numerous "Best Answers" award

PARK Moments for Service Providers
Gave a cobbler extra tips for excellent service and good workmanship

PARK Moments for the Neighborhood
Pressed the lift open button for my neighbors to exit first

As you can see, no acts of kindness is insignificant or wasted as it made a difference in the lives of others. Some acts of kindness can help to brighten up someone's day, some acts of kindness can bridge relationships, some act of kindness can provide hope to those in despair, some acts of kindness can impact others living in different parts of the world, some acts of kindness can help the less fortunate in society, some acts of kindness encourage someone to do his job better, some acts of kindness result in more acts of kindness. If you are still wondering if what you do will really make a difference, now is the time to think again. Start with just one act of kindness today, you will be inspired to do more acts of kindness in time to come.

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